by Laurent Sirois | Dec 7, 2021 | Finances and Tips, Videos
In this first episode dedicated to the notary for seniors, we discuss the subject of power of attorney with Louis Sirois, CEO of Visavie, and Stéphanie Roy of ETTIC Société Notariale. Episode 1 of this new series of training capsules focuses on the power of attorney....
by Laurent Sirois | May 14, 2021 | Neurocognitive Disorders, Videos
Managing the aggressive behavior of a person with Alzheimer’s People with Alzheimer’s disease sometimes behave aggressively, and loved ones are the first to be affected. How to calm a senior when he is in this state? How to deal with this behavior? Luc...
by Laurent Sirois | May 6, 2021 | Neurocognitive Disorders, Videos
Communicating with someone with Alzheimer’s disease Disorders like Alzheimer’s disease gradually lead to cognitive and physical decline in older adults. Communicating with someone with Alzheimer’s disease therefore becomes difficult. The exchanges...
by Laurent Sirois | Apr 29, 2021 | Neurocognitive Disorders, Videos
Helping the caregiver Caregivers – often the children, spouses or family of the senior, offer their support voluntarily, despite their own circumstances. This support can be emotional, or meet the needs related to the health situation of the elderly person...
by Laurent Sirois | Apr 20, 2021 | Neurocognitive Disorders, Sandwich Generation, Videos
Alzheimer’s disease – Episode 2: The risk of exhaustion of the caregiver with Luc Armand As the older person ages, the risk of dementia unfortunately becomes a reality. As a caregiver, taking care of a parent or a spouse becomes a difficult and often...
by Laurent Sirois | Apr 13, 2021 | Neurocognitive Disorders, Videos
Alzheimer’s disease – Episode 1: Learn more about Alzheimer with Luc Armand In the form of short videos, an expert will reveal all the facets of his profession and his relationship to seniors, all in a simple and fun tone! This week, check out our first...