Here are the Mistakes to Avoid when Searching for an Elderly Residence

Finding a retirement home in Quebec: the mistakes to avoid

Finding the right residence

Finding an elderly residence that meets your current and future needs is not an easy task. Many families and seniors are postponing this decision for fear of making the wrong choice.

The planning, support and advice of your family and children, and the help of a home retirement counsellor can help you find your way around and make the right choice. The advice of your loved ones and a home retirement counsellor will help you understand the steps involved in this research and, above all, make the best decision.

We invite you to consult the article “Searching for an elderly residence; asking the right questions to your retirement home advisor “. You will find some tips that will help you in your search for retirement homes.

As with the purchase of a residence or a condo, it is important to know the common mistakes in elderly residences. It is an important step in the lives of seniors. Choosing the right retirement home is important because it will have a significant impact on their quality of life, their health and their happiness. In short, the elderly residence must meet both their current and future needs.

Here are some mistakes to avoid when looking for a retirement home

Waiting until the last minute to look for an elderly residence

Unless circumstances require you to move immediately, do not rush into a hasty decision. Take the time you need to make the right decision.

In many cases, seniors and their families wait until the last minute to start searching for a facility for themselves or their loved ones.

Already, the search for an elderly residence and the change of environment are a stressful time. Rushed research could create additional stress for you and your family.

Rather than finding the retirement home that suits you best, in a hurry, you may be forced to choose an institution that might not have been your first choice.

Looking for a seniors’ residence alone and without the opinion of your children

Unlike advertisements you see on television, radio or in the newspapers, finding a retirement home that’s right for you is a more complicated task than it seems at first glance.

To make an informed decision, you must discuss and interact with your children. They will help you to see more clearly and thus better target the residence that suits you. You can also call a Retirement Home Counsellor. They do not work for a residence but for you.

Not visiting seniors’ residences before making your choice

We mentioned it in this article. Never base your decision on a brochure, a television ad, or a well-designed website.

The best way to know if an elderly residence meets your needs is to visit this residence. Take the time to observe the facilities but also to interact with residents and staff members.

Another tip is to observe if the residents seem to be happy and well cared for? Do staff seem to appreciate their work with residents? Is the residence well maintained? These are important points to consider before making the final decision.

The search for an elderly residence; asking the right questions

The website and the brochure of an elderly residence will answer some of your questions. However, it is important to go beyond these advertising tools. Prepare questions that are not covered in the brochure.

●     Is the staff/resident ratio adequate?

●     Does the residence check the criminal record of staff?

●     Is the staff members well trained to provide quality service?

●     What services does the residence offer?

●     Are there any additional fees that I need to consider?

Choose your retirement home based on your current and future needs

When it comes to choosing an elderly residence, it’s important to find a balance between your current and future needs.

Evaluate your current needs, but also consider your state of health. Ideally, you will choose a living place that will allow you to get care for your present and future condition. Will your new place of life be able to offer you this quality of services and care?


Finding an elderly residence that meets your needs takes time and thought. However, the efforts and planning you devote to your research will help you better target the living environment that suits you best. Remember to keep in mind the mistakes of a quick and sloppy search.

Visavie Consultants are at your disposal to assist you in finding an elderly residence that suits your lifestyle, your budget and your state of health. They will help you to consider all the important points to find the best establishment.

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