Caregivers : their important part in home care

aide soignante à domicile

Caregivers : their important part in home care

Everybody may agree on a point : time flies so fast ! At some point, important decisions must therefore be made. Among them, there will be a time when you or a loved elderly relative will have to make a major choice : continue to live at home or move to a seniors’ residence. For sure, there are some positive points for both options. At first, many seniors will choose to age in place. And we can admit there is something reassuring about staying in the comfort of our own house. With all the variety of home care services available now, this option may truly be the best solution for some older adults. For quality home care for your beloved parents, we must underline the precious role of health care aides. Called nursing aides, health care aides or caregivers, one thing is certain : they all play an important role in the well-being of our elderly relatives.

Why are caregivers so important to home care services ?

You have recently begun to notice that your elderly parents may need daily assistance at home ? Then, probably one of the best things to do first would be to discuss with them about their future. For some elderlies, the time will be right to move to a seniors’ residence. But, for those who prefer to stay home, a nursing aide may then become a valuable ally.  A caregiver can indeed assist, on a daily basis, seniors who choose to remain at home

To find the right balance between the independence of a senior and his need for assistance

By providing good companion care, the part of health care aides for our elderly beloved ones is crucial. Caregivers contribute to find the best balance between the autonomy of the person and the necessary care. By assisting them in their daily duties, they help seniors to stay in the comfort of their home in complete safety. Home care services provided by health care aides allow elderly to maintain their independence. Through their good work, caregivers enable autonomous seniors to live happily in their homes for a longer period of time.

⇨ You are looking for a good caregiver for home care for your elderly relative ? Visavie can assist you in this process ! Feel free to contact us, it will be a pleasure to help you find the perfect  that will meet the needs of your relative or family member.

A reassuring presence both for seniors and their family

There is something really reassuring about knowing that our elderly loved one is well supported by the presence of a qualified health care aide. Through the care they provide, nursing aides help to create a safe living environment for seniors who decide to remain at home. Their assistance to elderly helps to reduce risks of accidents. In the event of an emergency or an unexpected situation, caregivers can act quickly to help the patient they are caring for. Their presence makes staying at home safer for elderly people. 

In addition to the security provided by the presence of a caregiver to assist an elderly relative, it is also a good way to avoid feelings of loneliness and social isolation of seniors. Day-to-day support helps not to feel alone. It is good for seniors at home of course but also for family caregivers who may sometimes find it difficult to help alone. Home care is useful for the physical and psychological well-being of our elderly people.

 Contact us for home help

The variety of home care services available for elderly people

Now that we have a better understanding of the important place that caregivers take in our healthcare system, it is a good time to take a look at the variety of home care services available in Quebec.

Assistance with meals

Good nutrition is essential. Caregivers can play a significant role in helping seniors eat well. This assistance with meals can be for : 

  • meal preparation ;
  • accompaniment on outings such as grocery shopping ;
  • making a good planning for the meals ; 
  • if necessary, help for taking meals ;
  • and much more. 

It is also beneficial for elderly to be accompanied during this important part of their day. They will be less likely to feel lonely. Eating must stay an enjoyable experience and the presence of caregivers is useful for that.

Personal care assistance

For older adults who have decreased autonomy, some everyday tasks may become more difficult. That’s why home care is so important. Here are some examples of personal care assistance

  • personal hygiene care ;
  • toileting care ;
  • bathing assistance ;
  • clothing and dressing assistance ;
  • etc.

These essential cares also help maintain the dignity of the elderly person and contribute to his wellness. 

Visavie can help you to find personalized home assistance for seniors to stay home longer in a safe living environment. Our friendly consultants will be more than happy to give you useful tips to help you in your research for the best caregiver possible for your beloved elderly relative.  

Accompaniment services and assistance for transportation 

Even if most of the care and services can be done directly at home, some situations require leaving the house. It is the case for medical appointments for example. Even recreational activities are important for seniors. In those cases, caregivers can accompany them in those outings. Such assistance allows older adults to maintain their independence without worrying about their safety

Maintenance of the living environment

At home or in a seniors’ residence, every elderly person deserves a clean and healthy environment. Housekeeping and home maintenance services allow seniors to stay home for a longer period of time. A functional living space helps create a better life quality for the elderly. 

Home health care

One of the most important factors about home care is the senior’s health status. According to the specific needs of each elderly person, an initial evaluation will be made to determine if this person should consider a transition to an independent living residence or if he could stay home

The good news is that several cares can now be provided directly at home. Even if some treatments require the intervention of a doctor or a nurse, health care aides are also very important in providing home care. Here are some examples of tasks that a caregiver can do to help seniors stay in good health condition :

  • manage medication and assist the patient in taking this medication ;
  • prepare a care plan adapted to the needs of each elderly person ;
  • schedule medical appointments ;
  • help to assess the evolution of the senior’s health condition ;
  • discuss with the physician in charge of the patient and the family if necessary ;
  • etc.

⇨ We know that all this represents an important life stage for you and your elderly relatives. Visavie is there to help you through all these steps. You can benefit from the advice of our dedicated consultants for free. Thanks to their experience, they will assist you to define the specific personal needs for your parents or other senior relatives and suggest the right home care for them.

 Contact us for home help

Qualities of a good caregiver

And to ensure the quality of all these services, it is important to trust your caregiver. She will be in charge of your loved one’s well-being and safety. In addition to his skills and knowledge, a good caregiver must also demonstrate several qualities essential to his work. We can therefore say that a good health care aide is someone who is :

  • respectful ;
  • thoughtful ;
  • multi-tasked ;
  • passionate ;
  • and with good listening skills.

With their daily dedication, they also demonstrate that they have : 

  • a good ability to adapt
  • an acute sense of observation ;
  • an ease in communicating ;
  • a sufficient physical condition to perform all tasks everyday ;
  • and impressive empathy and humanity.

As you can see, caregivers have a valuable role to play in supporting our seniors in their daily lives. They assist our elderly relatives everyday with personal care, meal assistance, home health care and by accompanying them on outings like medical appointments. All those services allow seniors to keep as much autonomy as possible without compromising on their safety. Through their skills and humanistic qualities, health care aides help elderly people age in place longer in the comfort of their home. 

⇨ You are looking for a caregiver that will be able to help a loved relative with home care ? At Visavie, our mission is to accompany seniors and their families in a caring way. Our goal is for all seniors to have the right to dignity, safety and comfort. Learn more about our services and how we can help you !

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