Assisted Living for Seniors in Quebec
Assisted Living for Seniors
For many seniors, maintaining their independence for as long as possible is an important concept. However, there are times when specific health conditions make it necessary to have a certain level of care or assistance. Private residences for semi-independent seniors in Quebec fulfill these essential functions. This type of residence offers an ideal compromise for seniors who have partial independence and wish to enjoy the benefits of a secure environment while continuing to fully participate in their daily activities. These residences provide between 1 and 2 hours of care per day.
The services offered in these private semi-independent senior residences are numerous and diverse, including:
- Assistance with eating (and meal preparation services)
- Personal assistance services
- Companion services
- Nursing care
- Housekeeping services
- Organization of activities and leisure
- And more.
You Want More Information?
Our Senior Living Advisors are very familiar with the available retirement homes and housing options near you. Our support is 100% free of charge, with no commitment required!